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Books with author Arthur Conan DOYLE

  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Oct. 2, 2019)
    "The finest historical short stories ever written" is Conan-Doyle expert Owen Edwards' verdict on the Brigadier Gerard series. In this new complete edition, which includes 55 original illustrations by W B Wollen, the aged Brigadier tells all his tales of Napoleonic gloire, quite unhindered by any sense of false modesty. He was, he tells us, "the finest horseman ... and the best swordsman in the entire Grande Armee", an outstandingly brave, hot-blooded hussar who was, of course, beloved by any woman fortunate to cast her eyes upon him. Nor was the Emperor unaware of Etienne Gerard's accomplishments, and sought him out for a variety of secret, or especially dangerous assignments. And so we are told of wild adventures from the Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Moscow, Gerard's imprisonment in England, and even an attempt to rescue Napoleon from St. Helena.
  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Jan. 9, 2020)
    "The finest historical short stories ever written" is Conan-Doyle expert Owen Edwards' verdict on the Brigadier Gerard series. In this new complete edition, which includes 55 original illustrations by W B Wollen, the aged Brigadier tells all his tales of Napoleonic gloire, quite unhindered by any sense of false modesty. He was, he tells us, "the finest horseman ... and the best swordsman in the entire Grande Armee", an outstandingly brave, hot-blooded hussar who was, of course, beloved by any woman fortunate to cast her eyes upon him. Nor was the Emperor unaware of Etienne Gerard's accomplishments, and sought him out for a variety of secret, or especially dangerous assignments. And so we are told of wild adventures from the Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Moscow, Gerard's imprisonment in England, and even an attempt to rescue Napoleon from St. Helena.
  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Jan. 29, 2020)
    Brigadier Gerard is the hero of a series of historical short stories by the British writer Arthur Conan Doyle. The hero, Etienne Gerard, is a Hussar officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Gerard's most notable attribute is his vanity - he is utterly convinced that he is the bravest soldier, greatest swordsman, most accomplished horseman and most gallant lover in all France. Gerard is not entirely wrong, since he displays notable bravery on many occasions, but his self-satisfaction undercuts this quite often. Obsessed with honour and glory, he is always ready with a stirring speech or a gallant remark to a lady. Conan Doyle, in making his hero a vain, and often rather uncomprehending, Frenchman, was able to satirise both the stereotypical English view of the French and - by presenting them from Gerard's baffled point of view - English manners and attitudes. This classic title has been published by RADLEY BOOKS. Each RADLEY CLASSIC is a meticulously restored, luxurious and faithful reproduction of a classic book; produced with elegant text layout, clarity of presentation, and stylistic features that make reading a true pleasure. Special attention is given to legible fonts and adequate letter sizing, correct line length for readability, generous margins and triple lead (lavish line separation); plus we do not allow any mistakes/changes/additions to creep into the author's words.Visit RADLEY BOOKS at (or search RADLEY CLASSIC on Amazon) to see more classic book titles in this series.
  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Dec. 8, 2019)
    "The finest historical short stories ever written" is Conan-Doyle expert Owen Edwards' verdict on the Brigadier Gerard series. In this new complete edition, which includes 55 original illustrations by W B Wollen, the aged Brigadier tells all his tales of Napoleonic gloire, quite unhindered by any sense of false modesty. He was, he tells us, "the finest horseman ... and the best swordsman in the entire Grande Armee", an outstandingly brave, hot-blooded hussar who was, of course, beloved by any woman fortunate to cast her eyes upon him. Nor was the Emperor unaware of Etienne Gerard's accomplishments, and sought him out for a variety of secret, or especially dangerous assignments. And so we are told of wild adventures from the Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Moscow, Gerard's imprisonment in England, and even an attempt to rescue Napoleon from St. Helena.
  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Jan. 15, 2020)
    "The finest historical short stories ever written" is Conan-Doyle expert Owen Edwards' verdict on the Brigadier Gerard series. In this new complete edition, which includes 55 original illustrations by W B Wollen, the aged Brigadier tells all his tales of Napoleonic gloire, quite unhindered by any sense of false modesty. He was, he tells us, "the finest horseman ... and the best swordsman in the entire Grande Armee", an outstandingly brave, hot-blooded hussar who was, of course, beloved by any woman fortunate to cast her eyes upon him. Nor was the Emperor unaware of Etienne Gerard's accomplishments, and sought him out for a variety of secret, or especially dangerous assignments. And so we are told of wild adventures from the Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Moscow, Gerard's imprisonment in England, and even an attempt to rescue Napoleon from St. Helena.
  • The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard Illustrated

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Dec. 26, 2019)
    "The finest historical short stories ever written" is Conan-Doyle expert Owen Edwards' verdict on the Brigadier Gerard series. In this new complete edition, which includes 55 original illustrations by W B Wollen, the aged Brigadier tells all his tales of Napoleonic gloire, quite unhindered by any sense of false modesty. He was, he tells us, "the finest horseman ... and the best swordsman in the entire Grande Armee", an outstandingly brave, hot-blooded hussar who was, of course, beloved by any woman fortunate to cast her eyes upon him. Nor was the Emperor unaware of Etienne Gerard's accomplishments, and sought him out for a variety of secret, or especially dangerous assignments. And so we are told of wild adventures from the Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Moscow, Gerard's imprisonment in England, and even an attempt to rescue Napoleon from St. Helena.
  • The Poison Belt:

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, May 30, 2020)
    Professor Challenger and the gang from The Lost World return for another adventure, although this one is rather different. Challenger holds a reunion for members of the expedition to The Lost World which just so happens to coincide with the apparent end of the world. The Earth is passing through a belt of poison gas and the entire world will be suffocated.This couldn't be a more different story to The Lost World.It's far more sedate with the group huddled in Challenger's house, extending their life with a limited oxygen supply. I have always liked the end of the world scenario because it creates great fiction and this was one of the earliest examples.As well as a great concept, Conan Doyle has some great character stuff here. There's continued conflict between Challenger and Summerlee and Challenger continues to be the ridiculous but brilliant man he is. Interestingly he is actually far more human here and we see a different side to him due to the scenario and the presence of his wife.A very different book to The Lost World but one that is equally as enjoyable. An interesting story. It takes place some time after The Lost World and has our four intrepid explorers in quite a different quandary. Finding that the Earth will pass through a belt of poisonous gas and leaves virtually everyone apparently dead. We come to see that the effects are only temporary with about 28 hours being lost to the inhabitants of this fair planet. It seems that the "deadly poison" only caused simulated death in almost everyone on the planet. In the end the whole of the world wakes back up and starts back at it virtually right where they flopped over in the beginning.
  • The Poison Belt:

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, Jan. 10, 2018)
    Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out.–J.K. Rowling
  • The Poison Belt

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, March 28, 2020)
    The Poison Belt was the second story, a novella, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote about Professor Challenger. Written in 1913, roughly a year before the outbreak of World War I, much of it takes place--rather oddly, given that it follows The Lost World, a story set in the jungle--in a room in Challenger's house. This would be the last story written about Challenger until the 1920s, by which time Doyle's spiritualist beliefs had begun to affect his writing.
  • The Poison Belt

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (JA, July 23, 2019)
    The Poison Belt was the second story, a novella, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote about Professor Challenger. Written in 1913, roughly a year before the outbreak of World War I, much of it takes place--rather oddly, given that it follows The Lost World, a story set in the jungle--in a room in Challenger's house. This would be the last story written about Challenger until the 1920s, by which time Doyle's spiritualist beliefs had begun to affect his writing.
  • The Poison Belt

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, May 26, 2020)
    Professor Challenger and the gang from The Lost World return for another adventure, although this one is rather different. Challenger holds a reunion for members of the expedition to The Lost World which just so happens to coincide with the apparent end of the world. The Earth is passing through a belt of poison gas and the entire world will be suffocated. This couldn't be a more different story to The Lost World.It's far more sedate with the group huddled in Challenger's house, extending their life with a limited oxygen supply. I have always liked the end of the world scenario because it creates great fiction and this was one of the earliest examples. As well as a great concept, Conan Doyle has some great character stuff here. There's continued conflict between Challenger and Summerlee and Challenger continues to be the ridiculous but brilliant man he is. Interestingly he is actually far more human here and we see a different side to him due to the scenario and the presence of his wife. A very different book to The Lost World but one that is equally as enjoyable.An interesting story. It takes place some time after The Lost World and has our four intrepid explorers in quite a different quandary. Finding that the Earth will pass through a belt of poisonous gas and leaves virtually everyone apparently dead. We come to see that the effects are only temporary with about 28 hours being lost to the inhabitants of this fair planet. It seems that the "deadly poison" only caused simulated death in almost everyone on the planet. In the end the whole of the world wakes back up and starts back at it virtually right where they flopped over in the beginning.
  • The Poison Belt

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    eBook (, July 8, 2020)
    The Poison Belt is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, the second book about Professor Challenger. Written in 1913, much of it takes place in a single room in Challenger's house in Sussex.