Will You Give Me Your Toy?: Max the Greedy Fox
Abigail Faure
(Independently published, May 29, 2020)
Max the Fox wants to have all the toys in the forest. He doesn’t like to share his own things and takes others’ toys. When everyone turns away from the little fox cub, he starts thinking of what’s going on. Will Max solve the issue? Which way will he choose? And finally, will he find friends among animals whose toys he took?This is an educational and inspirational book on manners and mannerisms for little kids, starring animals we are excited about. 3-5-year old children are just at the age when they need to develop communication skills. This is the age when one needs to learn considering not only their own desires, but also the needs of others.You might enjoy the book even in an older age thanks to an evergreen social story and bright cute illustrations. You will meet friends and foes, animals nobody loves and ones who impress everyone, and make sure - friendship is magic! Even adults should realize these basic truths for children's sake.Take this adventure together with Max - one of the foxes kids who wants to get friends like these cute little animals in the Green forest. What’s more, the book contains an entertaining bonus - an extra game for attentive kids. ;)