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Age 10-13
Grade 5-8

Janice Shefelman, Tom Shefelman

Comanche Song

Paperback (Eakin Press May 1, 2000)
It is the white man's year of 1840. Tsena, sixteen-year-old son of a Comanche peace chief, does not know that it is also the year the white man will change his life forever. Tsena's story is based on two historical encounters between the Comanches and Texans, the Council House Massacre and the Battle of Plum Creek. Although history is usually written from the Texan point of view, in this novel the reader will find out what it might have been like for a Comanche boy who was there.
1571686371 / 9781571686374
12.0 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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