Cath Smith, Vicki Gilbert
Let's Sign Songs for Children: Popular Songs to Sign-a-long to
(Co-Sign Communications (inc DeafBooks) April 1, 2016)
17 songs and rhymes with BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE (BSL) signs for all to enjoy together.
For Schools, Nurseries, Baby Signers, Carers, Children's Centres and Families.
Now in Kindle textbook format for easy mobile use on kindle device, tablet and smart phone. Learners have access to built-in functions such as highlighting, a notebook, dictionary look-up and more. You can make notes, use multicolour highlighting - highlight a word on the screen to pull up windows for a dictionary, Wikipedia, and even translation.
For optimum viewing, use device in landscape orientation.
Simple and clear sign illustrations for a lovely collection of well-known children's favourites including:
`The Wheels on the Bus', `Baa Baa Black Sheep', `Horsey Horsey', `Old Macdonald', `1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a Fish Alive', `Five Little Ducks', `Happy Birthday', `Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'
and more.........PLUS
Top 10 Tips, Communication advice, Days of the Week, Children's Fingerspelling Alphabet and examples of regional signs.
The Songs and music are available separately - on Let's Sign Songs for Children Audio CD (ASIN:1905913117 ) and also on DVD with signs demonstrated –
Supported by the Let’s Sign BSL series including our comprehensive reference 'Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners 2nd edition' and range of accessible publications - see