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The Ghost in the Third Row

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Bruce Coville

The Ghost in the Third Row

Hardcover (FCA Press March 21, 2020)
When Nina (Nine) Tanleven earns a spot in a new musical to be mounted in Syracuse's beautiful-but-spooky Grand Theater, she expects that she will be in for a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. What she does not expect is that she will find a new best friend, the cheerful and funny Chris Gurley. Even more unexpected is the beautiful ghost that appears to both of them. Though the ghost seems friendly, soon mysterious and frightening events begin to pile up and most of the cast is convinced that the ghost is trying to sabotage the play. Nine and Chris don't believe it, and move into full detective mode to try to solve the mystery of the ghost in the third row. In doing so, they put themselves in greater danger than they could have imagined. Fresh and funny, spooky and scary, the adventures of Nine and Chris as they work to save the show are pure reading pleasure. First time in hardcover!
1936223872 / 9781936223879

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