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World War II & the Cold War: 1940-1960- Graphic U.S. History

Saddleback Educational Publishing

World War II & the Cold War: 1940-1960- Graphic U.S. History

Paperback (Saddleback Educational Publishing Dec. 1, 2008) , 1 edition
1940-1960; Fast-paced and easy-to-read, these graphic U.S. history titles teach students about key historical events in American history from 1500 to the present. Dramatic and colorful graphics highlight the text with easy transitions, which avoids a choppy narrative. These history titles offer a variety of rich materials to support teaching to the standards.

Graphic Biographies series. Fast-paced and easy-to-read, these softcover 25-page graphic biographies teach students about historical figures: those who lead us into a new territory; pursued scientific discoveries; battled injustice and prejudice; and broke down creative and artistic barriers. These biographies offer a variety of rich primary and secondary source material to support teaching to the standards.
Saddleback Graphic: U.s. History
1599053667 / 9781599053660
5.6 oz.
6.2 x 0.2 in.

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