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Age 3-6

Benoit Charlat

A Little Flush

Hardcover (Barron's Educational Series Aug. 1, 2010) , Pop edition
Children who have reached the toilet-training stage will think this is the funniest book they've ever seen. Most parents will smile, too, as children and parents turn the pages and follow the antics of a comical group of animals. Here, in amusing words and pictures, is gentle encouragement to toddlers who are going through their toilet-training stage. The color illustrations on every page are large and bold, and the story concludes with a sound button for kids to press. A little chick watches as a little pig, a dog, a pair of penguins, and several other animals take turns sitting on the toilet. At last, it's little chick's turn. The book's final two-page spread features a pop-up showing all the other animals shouting Bravo! as the little chick flushes the toilet. When kids press the sound button on the toilet's lid, they hear the toilet flush.
Little... Books
0764163671 /
8.0 oz.
8.0 x 8.1 in.

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