Marie D'Angelo
Is There School in Heaven?: A Children's Book About Death
( March 14, 2015)
"Not every soul gets to be an Angel, you have to apply." Marie D'Angelo
Finally a book that's written for kids to understand, with concepts that adults will enjoy!
"#TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!! I loved it. It was different from what I expected (thought it might be geared to younger children and shorter) and absolutely fantastic. I invite you to consider writing the adult version next. We all need help talking about these issues, and I just love the way you have explained things. I wish I had read this book when I was dealing with my mother's death - before and after she crossed over." Sarah Symons
"Marie has written an incredibly insightful kid's book about heaven, death, life purpose, and love, called 'Is There School In Heaven'." Sarah S.
"...thanks for the little spirit-boost! Nice little heart-warming, mind-lifting book..." Todd S.
"Our spirits are infinite, loving, huge, and fun! Imagine power like the sun lives in every cell in your body, that's your spirit!" ~ Marie D'Angelo
Have you ever thought of what Heaven might be like? In your wildest imagination, what can you picture...Is it filled with Angels playing harps on clouds? Or could it be souls flying from place to place on unicorns?
This interesting question about heaven and discussion about what's possible will interest kids from ages of 5 and up. This book is best read with parents and kids, as there are many questions the author poses.
Talking about death can be challenging because we don't know what to say. This book can be a starting point focusing on asking questions and using the imagination to describe what Heaven may be like, and what jobs souls may have using an understanding of how things are here on Earth.
Not focusing on one particular religion, this book focuses more on the power of kindness, character, love, and how we each remain connected to each other through that power of love.
"Love is the greatest power in the universe."
Marie D'Angelo has been teaching and training children since 2001, and has spent a great deal of her career helping children in understanding and overcoming challenges. Things like being different, learning in unique ways, being extra sensitive, and how to deal with perceived obstacles in life. Marie's students start at the age of 3 and go all the way up to teens. Many of her students are "on the spectrum" which simply means that their brains and bodies may function differently. From Down Syndrome to gifted kids, Marie believes the beauty and light in every child is meant to shine.
Filled with color pictures, this book will look amazing on a KindleFire, but can also be seen on the Kindle.