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Saturn Could Sail: and other fun facts

Age 4-8
Grade PK-3

Laura Lyn DiSiena, Hannah Eliot, Pete Oswald, Aaron Spurgeon

Saturn Could Sail: and other fun facts

Hardcover (Little Simon Dec. 16, 2014)
3...2...1...Blast off with this book of fun facts about spaceships, planets, the Milky Way, and more!

Did you know that Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system? If there were a body of water large enough to hold it, Saturn would float!
How about that Neil Armstrong was also an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor?
Or that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times?

Filled with tons of cool facts about outer space, plus colorful, humorous illustrations, this book is out of this world!
Did You Know?
1481414291 / 9781481414296
13.6 oz.
11.0 x 0.4 in.

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