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Legend Three Lizzy Mammy Olive Tree's Day Off

Elizabeth M Harrison

Legend Three Lizzy Mammy Olive Tree's Day Off

Paperback ( Jan. 5, 2014)
THE FOREST TREES LEGENDS The magical Topsy-Turvy trees are trees that turned upside down, roots became hair and their foliage their clothing. Each tree has a name personality.Together they have adventures with a message. The stories are fun and for children up to age eight. Lexy Holly Tree loves to shove her way through the forest causing the undergrowth to shout "OH Ow Ahhh" in pain, Datey Palm the Glamorous one loves to swoosh her way through caressing the undergrowth who whisper "Ohhh, Ahhh, Ehhhhh". Sequoia Redwood in big and strong and handy. They overcome The Windy Day, The Dark Night, Naughty Squirrels and adventure on Lizzy Mammy Olive Trees Day Off.
1784073067 / 9781784073060
1.6 oz.
5.0 x 0.1 in.

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