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Willie McLean and the Civil War Surrender

Age 7-10
Grade 2-4

Candice Ransom, Jeni Reeves

Willie McLean and the Civil War Surrender

Paperback (First Avenue Editions ™ Aug. 1, 2004) , Illustrated Edition

Eleven-year-old Willie McLean knows that General Lee will defeat the Yankees and win the Civil War, he just knows it. When a battle moves to the fields near his home in Appomattox, Virginia, Willie’s thrilled―especially when General Lee, himself, comes to Willie’s house! But then General Grant comes, too. Overhearing the two men talk, Willie hears one word: Surrender. Is the war really over?

On My Own History
1575056984 / 9781575056982
3.84 oz.
5.2 x 0.15 in.

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