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Wabi: A Hero's Tale
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Joseph Bruchac
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Age 12-15
Grade 7-9

Joseph Bruchac

Wabi: A Hero's Tale

Paperback (Speak Oct. 4, 2007) , Reprint edition
Wabi was born an owl—a great horned owl who grew to become such a strong, confident creature that he was afraid of nothing. But now he is afraid. He fears that he might never win the heart of the girl he loves. Somehow, despite his own intentions, he has fallen in love with a girl—a beautiful, headstrong human girl. And so he begins the adventure of his life. He shape-shifts into human form in order to be with her. But before he can win her love, he must face an even greater challenge in a land he comes to think of as the Valley of Monsters.

A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year

* "Wabi's inquisitive and endearing personality will charm readers." —School Library Journal, starred review
0142409472 / 9780142409473
7.2 oz.
5.6 x 0.6 in.

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