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Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails

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Age 4-8

Nancy Tafuri

Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails

Hardcover (Greenwillow Books Sept. 15, 1988) , First Edition edition

What has spots? A cow has spots. What has feathers? A chicken has feathers. Nancy Tafuri, a Caldecott Honor artist and the award-winning creator of many books for young children, including Have You Seen My Duckling?, knows just what questions preschoolers will love to hear—and answer!

This barnyard tour will have its audience crowing with delight (and discovering interesting information about animals) as they study the big, bold paintings of the animals and birds. "An ideal book for the beginning reader to entertain a younger sibling in a game they'll both enjoy. A natural for toddler story-hour collections."—The Horn Book

Supports the Common Core State Standards

0688075363 / 9780688075361
12.0 oz.
8.0 x 0.2 in.

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